Cut Out + Keep

Hello Kitty Santa Hat

An easy-ish & cut hat for xmas (: • Posted by karenlei

I made this hat last xmas. I don't have any pictures; sorry ): & its hard to explain.

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Almost Nothing


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Medium cimg4470 1269200082


I made this hat last xmas. I don't have any pictures; sorry ): & its hard to explain.


  1. Small hat 1269200719

    Cut out two large triangles, the bottom should be a bit bigger than your head. lay them on top of eachother. sew the sides, and flip it right side out.

  2. Small fur 1269200430

    Get your faux fur, and measure it to the the length of your head. the width should be double what you want it to be. fold it over (inside out) and sew the edge. the flip it over (right side out).

  3. sew a ball out of faux fur, and attach it to the tip of the red fleece

  4. sew the sides of the fur together, then attach it to the bottom of the red fleece.

  5. cut the shapes for the hello kitty on the ball, and the bow then: sew them on.