Cut Out + Keep

Hate Felt Heart Ring

How to make a cute tattoo style hate heart ring • Posted by Animalrightsgirl M.

Got the inspiration from here: But I decided to make the ring version instead of buying i as a hair piece.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 10


Pretty Easy
Medium img 0683 4 1292764049


Got the inspiration from here: But I decided to make the ring version instead of buying i as a hair piece.


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    First choose the colours of felt you want to use. I chose black and white. Cut out two heart shapes that are exactly the same. Now cut out a small white rectangle and cut it into a banner shape, as on the photo. You will also need needle, thread and a ring base(from a diy shop).

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    Now stitch a word onto the banner. I choose hate as in my inspiration, but you could write your name, love, faith.. anything you want. Now sew the white banner with the word stiched on it onto one of the hearts.

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    Sew the ring base to the other heart.

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    Then place the hearts on top of each other, wrong side inward and sew around the perimeter. Done!