Cut Out + Keep

Hardcover Organizer!

Protect your plans for the future! • Posted by Supernova's Child

I used my school organizer for this project. You could use one from the store, a little notebook, or an organizer you've made yourself.

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0 h 20


Pretty Easy
Medium dscf1806


I used my school organizer for this project. You could use one from the store, a little notebook, or an organizer you've made yourself.


  1. Small dscf1792

    Find a book which fits the thing you're going to use to fill it. Cut out the pages with your knife or scissors, and take care not to damage the cover itself.

  2. Small dscf1793

    Take your organizer of choice. Prep it any way you need to. Although, I can't think of why you'd need to. Mine is spiral bound.

  3. Small dscf1796

    Put a light line of hot glue along the spine of the book cover. Press your organizer on this line quickly before it dries. Press and hold it from the outside until the warmth begins to fade.

  4. Small dscf1797

    Add two dots of hot glue on the inside the cover of the book. Press it shut upon the cover of your organizer. This also will help to hold it in place.

  5. Small dscf1801

    If you want, you can also add a ribbon on the spine to act as a bookmark. I can never keep track of days, so I did so.

  6. Small dscf1803

    Viola! Done. Now go check out my blog because I said so.