Based on Happy Mustashioed Cactus Pincushion by Morbidly Cute
I loved Morbidly Cute's cactus! but I'm also a bit of a geek, and I love girly things. So my cactus is a pretty little senorita with a flower in her hair. I also added an arm to hold my hand-sewing needles separately from my pins. (The geek bit comes from my husband, who pointed out that my cactus looks like a cactuar from Final Fantasy.)
C G. favorited Happy Mustashioed Cactus Pincushion 04 Apr 21:19
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StarLeigh posted this project as a creation without steps
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Gül K.
İstanbul, TR

North Olmsted, Ohio, US
very cute cacti what did you name it ? is it a boy or girl?

Sally M.
Orlando, Florida, US
29 projects
so cute! :]