Halloween Witch Hat Cake

just wanted to something sweet and festive for halloween

Posted by Nail Art and other DIY


Hello every one,
This is something i saw on the food network with Paula Deen. I didn't like the decorations she used to i used different ones. i bought a pillsbury vanilla cake mix and used orange food dye to give it color when i sliced it. to make the tip i cut like 3 small circles and toped them on top of each other. then i got a pointy ice cream cone and placed it on top of the small slices of cake i GENTLY decorated it with chocolate frosting.i bought gummy body parts lol like fingers, nose, tongues and eyes. i had chocolate eyeballs for halloween day so i used those as well. i used a nerds rope to make the bow around the hat. i randomly placed the candy on the cake to give it a cute halloween look. boy was it yummy!! i hope you guys try it!!
let me know what u think!!

p.s. i put 3 hours prep tome because u have to wait for the bread too cool, but it actually took me like 30 min to decorate it maybe less.


You Will Need (5 things)

  • Halloween Gummies
  • Nerds Rope
  • Chocolate Frosting
  • Vanilla Cake Mix
  • Coloring Of Some Kind (Resin Dye Or Food Coloring )