Cut Out + Keep

Gingham Meets 18th Century

My first sewing project • Posted by scandinavianabroad

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5 h 00


Medium 2021 07 08 084942 000061230014 Medium 2021 07 08 084954 000061170004 Medium 2021 07 08 085008 000061230004 Medium 2021 07 08 085019 000061230009 Medium 2021 07 08 085026 000061230013 Medium 2021 07 08 085034 000061230016 Medium 2021 07 08 085041 000061230018



  1. At the start of the year I found myself so inspired by creating my own garments through both knitting and sewing. I wasn't quite sure where to start but decided to try and draft my own pattern for a dress by watching various tutorials and googling along the way. My gingham dress is basically just a few different rectangles gathered together to make a skirt, sleeves and bodice. The bodice is also shirred (a technique I find very easy to work with, and easy to make look good - just remember to steam your shirring after you are done so it shrinks together nicely!). The skirt I just measured out the length I wanted and also added a gathered frill at the end, which is somewhere in between 2-3 times the length of the hem. Originally I also wanted ties in the waist to hold the gathers, but decided against it along the way and ended up using elastic thread, as if I was shirring the waist, so that I didn't need any zipper or buttons for it. The sleeves easily fall down from the shoulders but I also added ties to the top of the back so I'm able to wear them either up or down, depending on what I want. For a first project I'm so happy with how it turned out and now I already have a star of fabric and patterns at home ready to be used very soon! The 18th century corset was something I found inspiration for on Instagram, and hadn't intended it to match so well with this dress - but it ended up working really well during a photoshoot with Celine Lundqvist and now I love this combination. The stays were easier to make than I had anticipated - combining machine sewing with hand stitching. The biggest issue I had was getting the eyelets in, but I've now purchased an eyelet press so hopefully for my next one it will be easier. I also think that next time I'll adjust this pattern (Simplicity 8162) to remove the flaps around the waist, to make a simpler version as well.