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Ginger Beer

Step up to ginger brew - make your own ginger beer by Kathryn O’Shea Evans • Posted by Abrams

Drinking your first ginger beer is like reliving your first great kiss: It’ll leave you hot, woozy, and thirsting for more. Because it’s nonalcoholic, ginger brew can be enjoyed by anyone, anywhere, from the playground to the Greyhound. Keep in mind that the more ginger you add, the hotter your brew (and as we all learned with our first great kiss, the hotter the better). Getting the carbonation right can be tricky if there’s any ginger sediment left in the juice after it’s strained. If there’s no carbonation after you’ve refrigerated the bottles, all you have to do is pull the brews out of the fridge for a while; the bubbles happen when the yeast eats the sugar, and the yeast can’t work its magic in a cold fridge. If the bottles are not refrigerated soon after the 48 hours suggested here, the carbonation may burst off the lids. Those yeasty beasties are tricky, but if this recipe is followed pretty closely, you shouldn’t have a problem. Makes about 2 gallons (7.5 L)

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium screen shot 2012 05 13 at 17.42.19


Drinking your first ginger beer is like reliving your first great kiss: It’ll leave you hot, woozy, and thirsting for more. Because it’s nonalcoholic, ginger brew can be enjoyed by anyone, anywhere, from the playground to the Greyhound. Keep in mind that the more ginger you add, the hotter your brew (and as we all learned with our first great kiss, the hotter the better). Getting the carbonation right can be tricky if there’s any ginger sediment left in the juice after it’s strained. If there’s no carbonation after you’ve refrigerated the bottles, all you have to do is pull the brews out of the fridge for a while; the bubbles happen when the yeast eats the sugar, and the yeast can’t work its magic in a cold fridge. If the bottles are not refrigerated soon after the 48 hours suggested here, the carbonation may burst off the lids. Those yeasty beasties are tricky, but if this recipe is followed pretty closely, you shouldn’t have a problem. Makes about 2 gallons (7.5 L)


  1. In a large pot, dissolve the honey in 2 gallons (7.5 L) water. Add the egg whites and ginger. Bring to a boil, simmer for several minutes, skim the scum off the top, and set aside to cool to lukewarm. Add the lemon juice, lime juice, pineapple juice, and yeast and give it a stir. Let stand for one minute, then pour through a sieve lined with rinsed and squeezed cheesecloth into a clean container. Bottle the ginger beer (ask the folks at your local brew shop for details if you’re a newbie). Let sit at room temperature for 48 hours, then pop the bottles in the fridge and enjoy. The ginger beer will keep for at least a few weeks in the fridge.