Geometric Wall Art

Bring in the outdoors!

Posted by Motte


I've always wanted the impressive Matterhorn in my living room - so why not make it into a work of art with little more than a piece of string?


You Will Need (8 things)

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Tape
  • Push Pins
  • Canvas
  • Black Knitting Yarn
  • Big Sewing Needle

Steps (13 steps, 90 minutes)

  1. 1

    For this project, print out a few pictures of your motif as a reference and draw a smaller version of it on a scrap piece of paper.

  2. 2

    Add a frame to the image with the same ratio as the canvas so that you can figure out the correct placement of the image within the frame/canvas.

    My canvas was 120 x 80cm, so I made sure my drawing fit into a 12 x 8cm frame.

  3. 3

    Add a 1 x 1cm grid onto the drawing which translates to a 10 x 10cm grid on the canvas.
    (You can use inches instead)

  4. 4

    Don't draw directly onto the canvas though. Instead, loosely tape pieces of white paper one right next to the other and fixate on the canvas.
    Then transfer the smalle image inti the larger sheet using the grid as a guideline. Try to be as accuate as possible.

  5. 5

    At each point at which two lines meet, punch a hole through the sheet into the canvas with a push pin. After removing the sheets of paper, the holes will act as guidelines.

  6. 6

    Thread a very long piece of black knitting yard onto the biggest sewing needle you can find. Start on one end of the image and thread through the back of the canvas, through the first hole punched earlier.

  7. 7

    Go back through the canvas with your needle making sure not to thread back through the same hole, but to create a new one right next to it. The go back up through the next punched hole.

  8. 8

    Work your way to the other end of the image.

  9. 9

    You will be left with the outlines of your motif.

  10. 10

    With another long (!) piece of yarn, add random lines by going up and down and through the punched holes.

  11. 11

    Don't overthink it, just keep adding lines thus creating shapes such as triangles and rectangles.

  12. 12

    Don't be afraid to overdo it, just go crazy!

  13. 13

    Enjoy the climb!