Cut Out + Keep

Fruit Pop Phone Case

Hurry Or It Will Melt!! • Posted by Alice Paddock

I thought my cell phone could need some summer style :D P.s. I WAS eating a fruit pop when I thought of it P.s.s. This is my first How-To

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Project Budget


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium img 0399 1246426069 Medium img 0398 1246426038


I thought my cell phone could need some summer style :D P.s. I WAS eating a fruit pop when I thought of it P.s.s. This is my first How-To


  1. Small img 0408 1246426825

    Take your cell and trace the outline with a pen

  2. Small img 0409 1246427255

    It should look like this Then do another outline(just draw it alittle biger then the first)

  3. Cut it out and measure the the outside of your phone

  4. Small img 0411 1246427926

    cut out the fabric and stick then sew together! (Don't forget to leave an opening!!)

  5. Small img 0398 1246428194

    Cut off the extra fabric and add a snap or zipper(if you want to) and thats it!