Fringe Necklace


Posted by nindya gitaya


hope you like it >.<
ehehe :D


You Will Need (3 things)

  • i got this Fabric by cutting my mom's old pants that she doesn't wear anymore
  • Ribbon
  • Scissors

Steps (8 steps, 10 minutes)

  1. 1

    prepare the fabrics, ribbon and scissor.

    you should cut the fabric in to a smaller size with square shape.

  2. 2

    after that fold it in to triangle shape and cut it to make fringes.
    don't forget to give some space on top of the fabric to make a small hole.

  3. 3

    make a small hole with your scissor.

  4. 4

    then put the ribbon through the small hole.

  5. 5

    knit it like this.

  6. 6

    and do the same for the next 4 fabrics.

  7. 7

    this is what you will have after you did all the steps above.

  8. 8

    tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :D
    let's hang out ! ;)