Cut Out + Keep

Framed Photo

Framed photo gift • Posted by Holly B.

I made this for a friend at Christmas. The photo was taken on a frosty morning last year in a car park up the road. The frame was made with frame-shaped thick mounting card, wrapped in wadding and the satin fabric hand sewn over. This was placed over the photo in a clip frame, and a second fabric lined backing was handsewn to the front piece around the edges. I then did the bead work once the frame was assembled.

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Medium frame 1202847988 Medium frame 2 1202848003


I made this for a friend at Christmas. The photo was taken on a frosty morning last year in a car park up the road. The frame was made with frame-shaped thick mounting card, wrapped in wadding and the satin fabric hand sewn over. This was placed over the photo in a clip frame, and a second fabric lined backing was handsewn to the front piece around the edges. I then did the bead work once the frame was assembled.
