Cut Out + Keep

Fork & Cork Plant Markers

Create unique plant markers using wine corks & forks. • Posted by Virginia B.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 114103 2f2016 04 29 124111 fork%2b 26%2bcork%2bplant%2bmarker1c Medium 114103 2f2016 04 29 125344 fork%2b 26%2bcork2a Medium 114103 2f2016 04 29 125407 fork%2b 26%2bcork1g Medium 114103 2f2016 04 29 125435 fork%2b 26%2bcork%2bplant%2bmarker1b Medium 114103 2f2016 04 29 125723 fork%2b 26%2bcork1k



  1. Small 114103 2f2016 04 29 125207 fork%2b 26%2bcork1b

    Write the names of the plants you'd like to identify on wine corks using a word burner.

  2. Small 114103 2f2016 04 29 125513 fork%2b 26%2bcork1c

    Place the corks onto forks.

  3. Small 114103 2f2016 04 29 125609 fork%2b 26%2bcork1d

    Add twine to the neck of the fork.