Cut Out + Keep

Food Fridgies

crocheted yummies • Posted by ashley b.

You will need

Project Budget


2 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium fridgie 1246148790



  1. Pizza- at end of each row, ch 1, turn. except rows 12 & 13. 1. ch 2 with cream or tan. sc in second ch. 2. 2 sc in sc. 3. 2 sc in each st. (4) 4-5. sc each st. 6. 2 sc first st, sc next 2 sts, 2 sc last st. (6) 7. sc each st. 8. 2 sc first st, sc next 4 sts, sc last st. (8) 9. sc each st. 10. 2 sc first st, sc next 6 sts, 2 sc last st. (10) 11. sc each st. 12. sc, 2 hdc, 4 dc, 2 hdc, sc, ch 2, turn. 13. work in front lp only, 2 hdc each st. FO. cheese- with white, rep rows 1-12. do not FO. Hold cheese on top of crust. sc both pieces together down the side, thru the point and up the other side to end of cheese. FO. pepperoni- with red, ch 3. slst to first ch to form ring. 1. ch 1, 8 sc in ring. join in first sc. FO. leave tail to sew pepperoni to pizza.

  2. Pineapple- 1. ch 6 with yellow. sc in second ch from hk. hdc next ch. dc next 2 ch, 6 dc last ch. (continue working in back lps of ch) 2 dc next ch, dc next 2 ch, hdc next ch, sc next ch. ch 2, slst in first sc. 2. ch 1, slst around. FO. 3. join green with sc in ch-2 sp at top. ch 6, sc in ch-2 sp. ch 10, sc in ch-2 sp. ch 6, sc in ch-2 sp. FO.