Cut Out + Keep

Flower Soaps

Litte bathy melty soapy things that smell nice and make a lovely bath :) • Posted by Hoolllyyyy :)


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Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 10


Nice & Simple
Medium 013 1274038261 Medium 014 1274038869 Medium 014 1274038896




  1. Small 002 1274038348

    Using a potato peeler or something similar, slice of a thin slice of soap :)

  2. Small 003 1274038381

    Using various circular things (Bottle lids) Cut out 5 big circles and 4 smaller

  3. Small 004 1274038462

    Melt down the leftover bits untill it looks like this and feels all sticky :)

  4. Small 009 1274038514

    Put it on some greaseproof paper so it doesnt make everything soapy :)

  5. Small 010 1274038574

    Using the gooey stuff as glue, arrainge the 5 big circles like this... if you can tell from the picture (flower shaped) then the smaller ones on top but bend the little ones up slightly so they stand out.

  6. Small 012 1274038673

    Roll up a small ball of goo to go in the middle of the flower :)

  7. Small 013 1274038730

    Put them in a bath and let them sink - they will melt better then, although they do float if you want them too ;)