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Fleece Kitty Beanie

Fleece Kitty Beanie • Posted by moxiepurple

I made this for my roommate's daughter for giftmas. It was originally for me but I hate the way it fits me, I'll make another one later without the teeth. The tutorial for the hat can be found here, Notes: it takes a few tries to get the ears where you want them, so do tack in place and check in the mirror first! If I were to make this hat again I'd probably use a different pattern, this one was a little confusing, but I fgured it out obviously.

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Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


2 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 14 1229306471 Medium 13 1229306475 Medium 15 1229306480


I made this for my roommate's daughter for giftmas. It was originally for me but I hate the way it fits me, I'll make another one later without the teeth. The tutorial for the hat can be found here, Notes: it takes a few tries to get the ears where you want them, so do tack in place and check in the mirror first! If I were to make this hat again I'd probably use a different pattern, this one was a little confusing, but I fgured it out obviously.
