Cut Out + Keep

Felt Snowman

Cute little felt snowmen to warm up your chilly winter • Posted by onelmon

These mini snowmen are great as winter gift toppers and Christmas decorations

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Project Budget
Almost Nothing


10 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium onelmon feltsnowman


These mini snowmen are great as winter gift toppers and Christmas decorations


  1. Small onelmon feltsnowman 01

    Cut two circles on a piece of felt. One is slightly bigger than the other.

  2. Small onelmon feltsnowman 02

    Stuff some cotton in the middle of the felt and stitch the outer circle with running stitch; pulling the thread when you've made it round the circle. The result will look like a stuffed dumpling.

  3. Small onelmon feltsnowman 03

    Repeat the 2nd step for the other circle.

  4. Small onelmon feltsnowman 04

    Join the two cotton stuffed felt balls with glue of threads. Use a marker to give it a pair of eyes.

  5. Small onelmon feltsnowman1

    Cut a piece of rectangular felt and wrap it around the neck of the snowman to hide the stitch and to keep it warm.

  6. Small onelmon feltsnowman 071

    They are great as gift toppers too!