Add some fun to your key ring :)
These key rings add a little colourful squish factor to your boring old keys, and they make pretty cute little presents too.
Sarah Sylvia S. favorited Felt Polyhedron Keychain 19 Jul 01:48
PineconePrincess favorited Felt Polyhedron Keychain 11 Oct 22:38
Ghosts are Green favorited Felt Polyhedron Keychain 17 May 06:26
dippydiscoball added Felt Polyhedron Keychain to To-make list 10 May 18:49
PixieFey favorited Felt Polyhedron Keychain 26 Apr 13:02
Wei X. published her project Felt Polyhedron Keychain 26 Apr 06:00
Step 2
Next, create a template on the scrap paper by drawing an equilateral triangle. Mine had edges that measured 3.5 cm each, but feel free to size up/down depending on how large you want your key chain.
If you're having trouble drawing it yourself, just google search 'equilateral triangle', size an image in word and print it out as your template :)