Felt Fruit Tart
The last of my Daiso-kit creations for my 52-week felt project :)
I have enjoyed working on every one of the Daiso kit felt projects as they have rekindled my old love for handmade crafts as well as allowed me to experiment with recreating objects (or felt food, as is the case here) of various types, shapes and designs.
With deep thanks to the people behind Cut Out + Keep and the Daiso design kits for the wonderful inspiration♥
sabrina p. favorited Felt Fruit Tart 18 Jun 08:22
Loelle favorited Felt Fruit Tart 08 Jun 08:55
B* published her project Felt Fruit Tart 05 Jun 13:17
You Will Need
B* posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!