Cut Out + Keep

Felt Domo Kun

Based on Felt Domo Kun by Danyell W. • Posted by Coraline

HOW TO: thanks Danyell W. :) It took ages for me because I kept stuffing up (I'm not very skilled at sewing), what I found annoying was stuffing it with stuffing and then sewing it up and realising that its still not stuffed enough because it looked stuff to me.. Some tips: *stuff as much as you can *an in and out stitch *make sure the teeth are not too pointy and aren't crooked (like mine!) *make sure everything is even and perfect as much as possible because that means the end result will be really good :D -have the arms at any angle you like but I like his arms up in the air because in his TV show he always runs around with his arms up I bought the everything at spotlight at an okay-ish price

You will need


1 h 30


Nice & Simple
Medium sdc11564 1277797809 Medium sdc11564 1277797862 Medium sdc11564 1277798087


HOW TO: thanks Danyell W. :) It took ages for me because I kept stuffing up (I'm not very skilled at sewing), what I found annoying was stuffing it with stuffing and then sewing it up and realising that its still not stuffed enough because it looked stuff to me.. Some tips: *stuff as much as you can *an in and out stitch *make sure the teeth are not too pointy and aren't crooked (like mine!) *make sure everything is even and perfect as much as possible because that means the end result will be really good :D -have the arms at any angle you like but I like his arms up in the air because in his TV show he always runs around with his arms up I bought the everything at spotlight at an okay-ish price
