Cut Out + Keep

Felt Dice

Based on Felt Dice by Cat Morley • Posted by Jocelyn T.

It was really fun to make!! But I used a sewing machine so, it to me a while to figure out how to go around the corners. I used fabric instead of felt because I didn't have any felt.I think I kinda stuffed it to much, but I didn't realized that after I sewed the opening closed. Haha :)

You will need


1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 100 0458 1279311523 Medium 100 0459 1279311540


It was really fun to make!! But I used a sewing machine so, it to me a while to figure out how to go around the corners. I used fabric instead of felt because I didn't have any felt.I think I kinda stuffed it to much, but I didn't realized that after I sewed the opening closed. Haha :)
