Feather Hair Pins

Dress up your hair!

Posted by Libertine


My hair is boring. It's brown and not-quite-straight-not-quite-curly and just sort of... hangs there. I've never liked bows or barrettes, because the ones out there are either too girly or too sterile for me. I made a feather hairclip one day, and all of my friends thought it was absolutely adorable. I've made dozens since and given them away as gifts. People love them. They're so cheap and easy to make, and they look really great!


You Will Need (4 things)

  • Feather(s)
  • Hemp String
  • Bead(s)
  • Hair Clip(s)

Steps (5 steps, 15 minutes)

  1. 1

    Gather your materials. I usually use about 2-3 feathers and a couple beads. You could also use shells, buttons, bows, or anything, really. You can use bobby pins, alligator clips, or safety pins. Whatever you have at hand works just fine! Your string should be about two inches longer than the length to which you want your clip to hang, to allow for knotting.

  2. 2

    Stack your feathers in the order you find most visually appealing. The craft feathers I used have a curve to them along their... feather-spines, we'll call them. Make sure the feather-spines' curves are all going the same way to avoid any awkward bumps when you wear them in your hair.

  3. 3

    Wrap the string around the tops of the feather-spines, about a few centimeters from the top, then tie it off. Yuck, this part can get messy. The string I used was thicker than normal, so I got all that nasty tufting going on. You can just cut that stuff out later.

  4. 4

    Bead/shellify/button-up your string. You can tuck any unseemly feather-bits into the beads.

  5. 5

    Attach your clip of choice, and you're done! Enjoy!