Make faux quartz crystal jewelry that looks just like the real thing!
Make faux quartz crystal jewelry that looks like the real thing and is much lighter to wear!
Key West Witch favorited Faux Quartz Crystal Jewelry 31 May 14:53
Kellyton K. favorited Faux Quartz Crystal Jewelry 18 Mar 17:33
meildani m. favorited Faux Quartz Crystal Jewelry 29 Mar 14:30
VillainousNinja favorited Faux Quartz Crystal Jewelry 07 Mar 01:28
VillainousNinja added Faux Quartz Crystal Jewelry to Jewelry/Accessory 07 Mar 01:28
Sarah Sylvia S. favorited Faux Quartz Crystal Jewelry 19 Jul 02:05
Kinhime Dragon favorited Faux Quartz Crystal Jewelry 08 Nov 23:28
maiia4 favorited Faux Quartz Crystal Jewelry 08 Nov 17:48
Samantha O. favorited Faux Quartz Crystal Jewelry 17 Jul 17:03
Maritza D. favorited Faux Quartz Crystal Jewelry 12 Mar 14:08
Step 3
Watch the short video tutorial here:
Step 4
Remove the bubbles with a long arm lighter
Let cure overnight in an unoccupied room or outside
*You can also use colorants and glitter with this process
When cured, scrape of the edges with a craft knife (if you need to)
Glue the "quartz crystals" to a flat metal cuff with E-6000
Tape in place while they dry
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