Cut Out + Keep

Father, Son & Bearded Nun Shirt

Because the Key of Awesome is awesome and the Bearded Nun ROCKS. • Posted by EmmaThePrincess

So, I fell in love with the Key of Awesome's parody of Lady Gaga - Judas [Link to the video:]. My favorite line of the song was "The father, son and bearded nun", and I just had to make a shirt of it. I'm not that good at drawing faces so it took forever and didn't turn out the way I wanted. But it never does. So. Yeah. I actually wore this to an auction held by the Home Sewing Association (which is an undergroup to the church) the other night, but my mom didn't let me show it to people.

You will need

Project Budget


2 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium father son bearded nun 1321201136


So, I fell in love with the Key of Awesome's parody of Lady Gaga - Judas [Link to the video:]. My favorite line of the song was "The father, son and bearded nun", and I just had to make a shirt of it. I'm not that good at drawing faces so it took forever and didn't turn out the way I wanted. But it never does. So. Yeah. I actually wore this to an auction held by the Home Sewing Association (which is an undergroup to the church) the other night, but my mom didn't let me show it to people.
