Cut Out + Keep

Fairy Crown

a fairy princess frog hat • Posted by Sew Deadly

i made this crown for crazy hat day at school. i was inspired by fairies and such

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 20


Pretty Easy
Medium mich 1315345438


i made this crown for crazy hat day at school. i was inspired by fairies and such


  1. buy a stem of fake flowers of your choice

  2. bend the stem into a circle and fit to your head. secure ends with craft wire.

  3. add crystals or other elements using the wire and attatch with wire.

  4. use ribbon and wrap around the stem covering any wire you have attatched

  5. Small frog 1315345414

    if you want to add an animal tie it on with wire or ribbon. i then painted my frog with some glitter