Fairy Bouquet

Homemade bouquet, you don't have to buy it in the store!

Posted by Ninni Ninímél Nalíná ♦ ♏ ♦


We have this huge rhubarb plant in our garden and my parents cut off the leaves and they were just so big and cute so I wanted to use them before they were thrown away!
So I made this bouquet :)


You Will Need (4 things)

  • Flowers (big or small)
  • Big Leaf (or a rhubarb leaf)
  • Hemp Thread
  • Gift Tag or little note

Steps (3 steps, 10 minutes)

  1. 1

    One for you:
    In my country we have these yellow flowers everywhere, and people consider them as weeds. I think they are kind of cute, so I collected a lot of them from my garden and wrapped a rhubarb leaf around all the flowers. Then just add a tag on a hemp thread or another thread (though I think it looks cool with hemp xP) around the leaf to help it stay in place! Here ~ now you can give it to someone :)

  2. 2

    And one for your fairy friends!
    This is basically small flowers (small wild-growing violets) in a small leaf :) With hemp around this one too. You can also add a small message too and put it in a vase in your garden as a offering to the fairies :3 (You can add sugar in the water, fairies looove sugar (actually I think some plants do too xP).) Oh, plus, these small wild-growing violets can be candied and put on cakes or in salads ^^ (search the internet to be sure you have the right spieces, though mostly all wild growing violets are ok to eat. They dont taste anything special.)

  3. 3

    And since the dandelion season is over, i love to put them in cold water and see them curl up xP Have fun!