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Fabric Flowers

fabric flowers • Posted by vInTaGe~VioLeT

i made these super easy and effective flowers following several online tutorials. very easy and slightly dangerous, take sensible fire precautions! you can make them into brooches, hair pins/clips/bands - in fact you could glue them onto anything that takes your fancy!

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 15


Pretty Easy
Medium dscn9380 1251589267 Medium dscn9374 1251589418 Medium dscn9383 1251589466 Medium dscn9384 1251589522


i made these super easy and effective flowers following several online tutorials. very easy and slightly dangerous, take sensible fire precautions! you can make them into brooches, hair pins/clips/bands - in fact you could glue them onto anything that takes your fancy!
