shabby chic decor for the home
i started this cushion a while ago but things kept happening that stopped me from finishing it...well finally, it's done, yay!! ^_^
i basically cut strips from the tops and some from the pink cotton material and then proceeded to sew them onto the calico in a spiral shape, i started at the centre and worked outwards, using my quick unpick to make ruffles every so often.
then i added some green scraps as leaves, sewed the "flowered" calico (front) and pink cotton material (back) together on 3 sides, added a zip to the fourth side, bunged in a cushion inner and bob's your auntie...a fabric flower cushion, woohoo!! ^_^
i'm really pleased how it turned out as i put them on quite randomly, usually i'm quite symmetrical on stuff which can be a pain as it sometimes stops the creative flow...lol!!!
ellie j. added Fabric Flower Cushion to cool stuff i can do 15 Jul 22:34
emmilou p. entered her project Fabric Flower Cushion to Couture Keepsakes 13 May 18:43
gloria z. favorited Fabric Flower Cushion 07 Nov 14:27
emmilou w. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
soooooo neat!!!! and pretty. love this. (much XO's)!!!!;-D