"Eye See You"

I guess I painted the evil eye onto my nails. Does that mean I'm protected?

Posted by mew


It's my first time for everything. I just tried out these nails, I started painting them at like 4AM last night but I never finished, it is now 4AM again and I figured why not make a project for once? So... here I am.
I haven't got a topcoat so it looks a bit tacky but that's alright because the photo isn't so great anyway, so better ones are on the way and maybe even a how-to if you guys want. That is if anybody actually sees this.
Anyway, yeah, bye! :D


You Will Need (4 things)

  • Any color of Nail Polish (I used a sky blue)
  • Clear Nail Polish
  • White Nail Polish
  • Black Nail Polish (with a fine tip brush)