Envelope Clutch

A mostly no-sew cute envelope shaped & sized clutch

Posted by Mousey


I like small clutches and pouches for on the go & decided to give this teeny envelope sized clutch a try.
But - I didn't want to sew...so OUT CAME THE GLUE GUN WOO


You Will Need (3 things)

  • Button /Bead
  • 1 Fabric
  • Hot Glue Gun

Steps (9 steps, 20 minutes)

  1. 1

    select your envelope!

  2. 2

    Unfold the envelope carefully

  3. 3

    Choose your fabric - I'm using the pant legs of jeans that I chopped into shorts last summer.

    You can definitely pin the envelope & cut the shape out that way.

    I traced over the edges in chalk and cut out the shape from there.

    Do not leave allowance since the envelope already has allowance for gluing

  4. 4

    Should look like that :D

  5. 5

    Heat up that hot glue gun!

    Fold the flaps the same way that the envelope folds.

    Start gluing - I started with the bottom & left corners so that the folds wouldn't get all wonky later on.

  6. 6

    Should Look like this!

    You can actually consider yourself done now if you want to :]

  7. 7

    Sew a little button if you like!

    Then on the top flap I cut the hole for the button horizontally

  8. 8

    Glue a little patch of fabric on the inside of the clutch where the stitching is from the button

  9. 9

    Make more!

    You could even add a strap by gluing a length of fabric to one side of the clutch :)