Why spending lots of money if you can DIY?
I finished this cutie some minutes ago. :P It's not perfectly how I wanted it, but who cares...
Yeah, soooomeday I'll make a whole kitty plushie... I just did not dare to start yet xD
Sorry for wonky picture. That lil'bastard just did not want to get sharp on my cam...
Tamlyn H. added Emily Strange Inspired Plushthingie to Plushies 26 Jan 11:03
Tamlyn H. favorited Emily Strange Inspired Plushthingie 26 Jan 11:03
Max B. favorited Emily Strange Inspired Plushthingie 24 Aug 00:36
Conner W. added Emily Strange Inspired Plushthingie to Things to try and make/ideas 14 Feb 01:06
Alma v. added Emily Strange Inspired Plushthingie to To sew or not 20 Apr 13:41
mmotse03 favorited Emily Strange Inspired Plushthingie 14 Apr 11:04
Flo Di favorited Emily Strange Inspired Plushthingie 13 Mar 00:29
Jess W. favorited Emily Strange Inspired Plushthingie 23 Feb 20:34
DMGINC favorited Emily Strange Inspired Plushthingie 11 Feb 23:57
jaco.pieterse.14 added Emily Strange Inspired Plushthingie to Baby toys 04 Feb 10:42
Step 1
Get some inspiration online and draw a pattern. You'll need a head, the skull-thing, the eyes and a ()-shape for the "chin" to give it a little volume.
This last thing was just drawn with a closed eye and my tongue between my lips, it doesn't have to be perfect. I trimmed it later on, anyway. -
Step 2
Draw the shapes on the felt and cut them out. You'll need the head 2 times, 2 bones and the rest each one time. You'll only need a little bit of seam allowance on the black pieces.
Heh? What the hell am I doing with plastig bags?
Simple: I realized that the original plushies have shiny eyes. I did not have vinyl at home, so I decided to cut a piece off a black bag. Yay inventive me!
Moreover, cutting out these itsi bitsi tiny bones out of felt would have killed me!!!
( Ahm, the star actually DID kill me later on. I'f you're brave, do one, if your not, DON'T! x) ) -
Step 3
Glue the eye shapes on your head with a tiny drop of glue, just to fix them. Afterwards, stitch around them and through the plastic! Be careful not to rip it apart. At first, I had these gaps between the stitches which I wanted to fill afterwards with stitches that do not go through the foil, but I redecided because I liked the look...
Step 5
Sew everything close, except the back bottom line. You're gonna sew the heads together ( "wrong" sides out ), from the left outer corner of the "face", up to the ears and down to the right( or other way round, what the hell do I care? xD ). Make a short stop if you reached the middle of not-yet-kitties head. Grab your wool loop and slip the loop between the fabric layers. The knot has to be above your seam. Soooo, if you would turn it around, the knot will be inside and the loop can be used for a key ring. Confused? Wonderful. Let's go on... Sew, sew, sew...
When you reach the other side of not-yet-kitties face, grab the ()-shaped thing and sew it to one (!) bottom side of the head. Leave the other one open for turning around and stuff.
Step 6
Ehm, well, turn around and fill. Sew the remaining bottom line close with a ladder stitch.
Step 8
Padd your shoulder and be proud!
btw very nice :3
lol, wow. I'm surprised I even remember what that is.
i want.
i really need some supplies D: