Elegant Egg Candles

These little candles are perfect for Easter.

Posted by FW Media


You can make them in different colours and even use up the ends of old candles. They are really easy to do and make great table decorations.


You Will Need (8 things)

  • Large brown eggs or duck Egg(s)
  • Egg Topper
  • Soap
  • Acrylic Paint
  • Wick s dipped in wax
  • Toothpicks or lolly sticks
  • A block of white Beeswax (or bits of old candles to melt down)
  • Double Boiler , to melt the wax

Steps (5 steps, 30 minutes)

  1. 1

    Clean the eggshells
    Remove the top from the raw eggs with an egg topper. Empty the contents into a bowl – omelettes tonight? Wash the eggshells in soapy water and let them dry completely.
    Note: Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly whenever handling raw eggs.

  2. 2

    Prepare and paint the shells
    Using your fingers, gently break the edges of the eggshells to make them shallower and create a jagged look. (The eggshell will blacken if it curves over the top of a lit wick.) Paint the inside of each shell with acrylic paint – you can paint them all the same colour or do each shell in a different hue if you like.

  3. 3

    Add the wicks
    Tie each wick to a toothpick or lolly stick and suspend it across the top of the eggshell.

  4. 4

    Melt the wax
    Place the wax in the smaller inner pan of the double boiler and let it melt over a medium heat. Stir occasionally with an old wooden spoon. Don’t leave it unattended as it is flammable.

  5. 5

    Add the wax
    Carefully pour the melted wax into the eggshells, almost to the top. The wax when it dries will appear to take on the colour of the painted insides. Let the wax cool for several hours. Trim the wicks 6mm (¼ in) above
    the surface.

    If you haven’t got a double boiler, use an old high-sided pan placed inside a larger pan. An old milk pan works well as it has a lip for pouring.