Cut Out + Keep

Egg N Ramen

For when you want to jazz up your ramen snacking. • Posted by Emily aka GreyFowl

My friend told me this recipe a while back, though it may have changed a bit. This is always a staple when I only have ramen available but want something a little heavier. In addition, you could probably add chicken bits or vegetables, but here is the basic recipe. ^^

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Pretty Easy
Medium 2011 07 18213702 Medium frijul0101 09 07 Medium 2011 07 18210646


My friend told me this recipe a while back, though it may have changed a bit. This is always a staple when I only have ramen available but want something a little heavier. In addition, you could probably add chicken bits or vegetables, but here is the basic recipe. ^^


  1. Small 2011 07 18210658

    First, gather all the ingredients together. You'll need a pan that's a little on the big side, a strainer, two packages of chicken flavored ramen (you could probably use another flavored but I myself can't stand anything but the chicken flavored ones), water, eggs, and some soy sauce.

  2. Small 2011 07 18210721 1

    You'll need to put enough water for the ramen to float in, so fill the pot about halfway or more. Turn the heat on high, and wait for the water to boil.

  3. Small 2011 07 18211713

    Once the water starts to boil, turn it down just a little and add the ramen noodles. I prefer my noodles whole, but breaking it up into pieces is just fine as well. Let boil til the noodles soften.

  4. Small 2011 07 18211902

    When the noodles start to soften, ease them apart using a cooking utensil, like a wooden spoon. (This part was easy for me because the boiling water started making the noodles spin, haha.)

  5. Small 2011 07 18212331

    This is when you will want to add half a packet of one of the chicken flavor pack. Let the flavor incorporate slightly.

  6. Small 2011 07 18212631

    Now drain almost all the water from the noodles. There is still too much water in this picture, so really just enough to line the bottom of the pan should be left.Return the pan to heat, turning the heat to medium/medium-low.

  7. Small 2011 07 18213052

    This is the part where you break the egg! Normally, I use 1 egg to every two packages of ramen cooked, but I had more water than usual so I used 2 just this once. Mix the egg(s) into the hot noodles, mixing really well before they start to become fully cooked. Keep stirring until the egg is completely cooked and longer that yucky slimy consistency.

  8. Small frijul0101 09 07

    Now that it is completely cooked, dish out and eat! The soy sauce is added to taste, but you can add anything else you'd like, too! I myself just use a lot of soy sauce, haha. This amount will make about two good sized bowls, so cook for a loved one or eat alone! Eat up. <3