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5 mins

So simple, it'll be fiesta time every night!
I was hungry. I wanted something cheesy. I couldn't have anything too high-calorie. So what's a girl to do?

Make Cheese Quesadillas!

You can alter this recipe in basically any way. You can add pieces of cooked meat
(such as chicken), salsa, veggies, pepperoni - practically anything!

For even more fun, do a search on how to make your own flour tortillas. They're super easy and yummy, too.

(Sorry for the horrible picture quality, I didn't want to get my dSLR messed up in the kitchen so I just used an ancient point-and-shoot camera!)

Posted by Harley Quinn Published See Harley Quinn's 6 projects »

  • How to cook a quesadilla. Easy Cheesy Quesadillas In Minutes - Step 1
    Step 1

    Put a pan on the stove and turn it on medium. Get out your ingredients: some flour tortillas, shredded cheese (I use cheddar & Colby jack), and spreadable butter or margarine.

  • How to cook a quesadilla. Easy Cheesy Quesadillas In Minutes - Step 2
    Step 2

    Lightly spread some butter/margarine onto one side of two tortilla. Put one into the pan butter-side-down. It will sizzle; don't worry.

  • How to cook a quesadilla. Easy Cheesy Quesadillas In Minutes - Step 3
    Step 3

    Tut the cheese and ingredients on (just sprinkle them around evenly). Place the other buttered tortilla on top of the cheese, butter-side-up. Squish it down with a spatula and when the bottom tortilla is slightly browned (it should be already), carefully flip the quesadilla-to-be over.

  • How to cook a quesadilla. Easy Cheesy Quesadillas In Minutes - Step 4
    Step 4

    Make sure to pat it down so the melting cheese makes the tortillas stick together.

  • How to cook a quesadilla. Easy Cheesy Quesadillas In Minutes - Step 5
    Step 5

    Lift it off the pan and onto a plate when the bottom side turned golden brown. Cut it into four pieces (a pizza-cutter works wonders) when it has cooled for a minute.

  • How to cook a quesadilla. Easy Cheesy Quesadillas In Minutes - Step 6
    Step 6

    You can eat them just as they are, or dip them in sour cream or salsa for an extra treat! Enjoy!

    (PS, that's my dad, not me, haha.)



autumn rae
autumn rae · Sandy Hook, New Jersey, US · 8 projects
so yummy looking!!! must make tonight. Happy

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