Cut Out + Keep

Easy Gf Pizza

Gluten-Free • Posted by bonii.thomson

This is a pretty damn easy way to make a decent pizza for those who are Celiac like myself. No measuring involved and take minutes to prepare.

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Pretty Easy
Medium 103119 2f2014 07 08 230043 cimg3158


This is a pretty damn easy way to make a decent pizza for those who are Celiac like myself. No measuring involved and take minutes to prepare.


  1. Small 103119 2f2014 07 08 224534 cimg3156

    You can use two sheets or just cut on in half (for portion control). Take a baking sheet and coat the bottom with a little cooking spray then add cornmeal and flax for some added health. This is optional. Take one sheet and place it down then take some cheese and put it on top then the other sheet. It's just to make the "dough" thicker so it's not so flimsy to eat although I will tell you it can be flimsy even with this technique. It's a 50/50 chance, or atleast in my experience.

  2. Small 103119 2f2014 07 08 224804 cimg3157

    Then add your favorite sauce, favorite cheese, and your choice of toppings. I like mine quite light so I don't add much. But you can add whatever you'd like. And I put orange pepper and marble cheese on mine.

  3. Small 103119 2f2014 07 08 225949 cimg3158

    Cook according to the instructions on the tortilla bag. Mine said @ 350F for 20 minutes. and it came out like this.

  4. Small 103119 2f2014 07 08 225002 cimg3155

    I used Grimm's Fine Foods GF Tortilla. Homemade sauce. Light marble cheese.