Easy Cheesy Quesadillas In Minutes

So simple, it'll be fiesta time every night!

Posted by Harley Quinn


I was hungry. I wanted something cheesy. I couldn't have anything too high-calorie. So what's a girl to do?

Make Cheese Quesadillas!

You can alter this recipe in basically any way. You can add pieces of cooked meat
(such as chicken), salsa, veggies, pepperoni - practically anything!

For even more fun, do a search on how to make your own flour tortillas. They're super easy and yummy, too.

(Sorry for the horrible picture quality, I didn't want to get my dSLR messed up in the kitchen so I just used an ancient point-and-shoot camera!)


You Will Need (3 things)

  • ½ cup Shredded Cheddar Cheese or to taste
  • Flour Tortilla Bread
  • Butter

Steps (6 steps, 5 minutes)

  1. 1

    Put a pan on the stove and turn it on medium. Get out your ingredients: some flour tortillas, shredded cheese (I use cheddar & Colby jack), and spreadable butter or margarine.

  2. 2

    Lightly spread some butter/margarine onto one side of two tortilla. Put one into the pan butter-side-down. It will sizzle; don't worry.

  3. 3

    Tut the cheese and ingredients on (just sprinkle them around evenly). Place the other buttered tortilla on top of the cheese, butter-side-up. Squish it down with a spatula and when the bottom tortilla is slightly browned (it should be already), carefully flip the quesadilla-to-be over.

  4. 4

    Make sure to pat it down so the melting cheese makes the tortillas stick together.

  5. 5

    Lift it off the pan and onto a plate when the bottom side turned golden brown. Cut it into four pieces (a pizza-cutter works wonders) when it has cooled for a minute.

  6. 6

    You can eat them just as they are, or dip them in sour cream or salsa for an extra treat! Enjoy!

    (PS, that's my dad, not me, haha.)