Cut Out + Keep

Earbud Earrings

Based on Earbud Earrings by • Posted by Patricia P.

My own version of the earbud earrings. I used nothing but old ear buds, hook earrings, and hot glue. I stripped the plastic casing to show some of the copper wire, wound the wire through the end of the hooks, twisted it, and securred with a dot of hot glue. I used an Xacto knife to strip the casing.

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0 h 05


Pretty Easy
Medium 065 1315702022


My own version of the earbud earrings. I used nothing but old ear buds, hook earrings, and hot glue. I stripped the plastic casing to show some of the copper wire, wound the wire through the end of the hooks, twisted it, and securred with a dot of hot glue. I used an Xacto knife to strip the casing.
