Duct Tape Form

make a duct tape replica of yourself

Posted by Sofia C.


I made this form of myself because I think im going to use it for an art project but now that I think about it, it could be used as a mannequin. I used two rolls of duct tape, a plastic bag, crumpled up old magazine paper for the filling, and a sister. I messed up the boobs because i just went strait across instead of contouring to each side, so i'd fix that next time, there are 3 layers of duct tape on each spot so that its sturdy and cardboard on the bottom (inside the duct tape) so that it stand up easily.
I didn't put the bag around my neck so i kind of had to make up what I thought my neck looked like. To take it off I cut up the back then taped it back together.
Careful, I came out of this literally dripping in sweat, duct tape is freaking hot.


You Will Need (1 thing)

  • 2 packets Duct Tape