Cut Out + Keep

Doctor Who Nails Allons Y!

10th Doctor's allons-y nail art! • Posted by Fernanda Bel

I'm finishing the season and really sad because Tennant is going to leave... So i made this ^-^ For my favorite Ten(nant) Doctor *-*

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Project Budget


0 h 40


Nice & Simple
Medium dscn4785 Medium dscn4788  2 Medium dscn4790


I'm finishing the season and really sad because Tennant is going to leave... So i made this ^-^ For my favorite Ten(nant) Doctor *-*


  1. Paint the nails with the dark blue. Except for the finger that will be the TARDIS. This one is the other blue tone

  2. Use the brush to draw the letters and the blue box. It's easier than may look

  3. Apply the top coat And done! ALLONS-Y!