Diy Yarn Bracelet

MAke your wrist just a little happier!

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This was one of my favorite crafts to make because it is really relaxing just like knitting and crocheting! This is just like making one of those paracord bracelets, except with yarn. Any yarn will work just fine. Big and small, the yarn just adds different character to each bracelet!


You Will Need (1 thing)

  • Pretty Yarn

Steps (11 steps, 20 minutes)

  1. 1

    So the first step is to get some scissors and yarn. For the base, cut one 3 foot strip of yarn in any color I only cut mine 2 feet and it worked out fine but could have stood to be a little bit longer. You won't end up seeing this strip of yarn though.

  2. 2

    Now to cut the colors that the actual bracelet will be- the ones that you see. I chose pink and white. Each are 2 ft. long.

  3. 3

    Not your two colors together. If you only have one color, it should be 4 ft. long and you don't need to worry about this step.

  4. 4

    Ok so now take your 3ft., 2ft., and other 2ft. strand and lay them out like this. (Put your knotted strand under the 3ft. strand. If you can see, I "folded" the 3ft. yarn). Now it is time to start knotting!

  5. 5

    Fold the right strand over.

  6. 6

    Put left strand down on top of the right strand like this.

  7. 7

    Take the left strand and put it under the middle strand and over the right one.

  8. 8

    Pull both the right and left strands until it is snug on the middle/base strands.

  9. 9

    Once you start to repeat you should start to see the "V" that is created every two repeats.

  10. 10

    After about 5 or 6 repeats you can start to see the pattern! Make it as small or as long as you want! Great for keychains or bracelets, headbands or maybe even belts! To end just tie the left and right strands together in a simple knot, and the remaining middle strand into a loop, or connect them to the other loop to create a bracelet or headband.

  11. 11

    And now you have your finished product! I love using big bulky yarn too! Embroidery thread is the best and makes for an (very tediously constructed) amazing looking bracelet.