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Diy Trifold Book Of Shadow/Sketckbook/Journal

glow in the dark, sketchbook, journal, book of shabows, moon • Posted by DeadGirl

Its a trifold book. With 100 pages. There are 50 pages in each section.

You will need

Project Budget


4 h 20


Pretty Easy
Medium 115538 2f2016 12 10 084217 20161210 000433 Medium 115538 2f2016 12 10 084228 20161210 000442 Medium 115538 2f2016 12 10 084240 20161210 000541 Medium 115538 2f2016 12 10 084250 20161210 000624 Medium 115538 2f2016 12 10 084257 20161210 000652 Medium 115538 2f2016 12 10 084317 20161210 000725 Medium 115538 2f2016 12 10 084335 20161210 000850 Medium 115538 2f2016 12 10 084352 20161210 000908


Its a trifold book. With 100 pages. There are 50 pages in each section.
