Cut Out + Keep

DIY Studded Back Pocket Jean Shorts

For roughly about $25 you can make your own... plus thats cooler any way! • Posted by Audrey Kitching

If you read fashion blogs and go to boutiques im sure you have come across the amazing studded back pocket jean shorts. Every pair I saw was atleat $90. I made this a few months ago but thought I would share how easy it is! Thrift store jeans $6, Plyers $2, Scissors $1, Pack of studs $13, Seam ripper $3 For roughly about $25 you can make your own... plus thats cooler any way!

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 30


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If you read fashion blogs and go to boutiques im sure you have come across the amazing studded back pocket jean shorts. Every pair I saw was atleat $90. I made this a few months ago but thought I would share how easy it is! Thrift store jeans $6, Plyers $2, Scissors $1, Pack of studs $13, Seam ripper $3 For roughly about $25 you can make your own... plus thats cooler any way!


  1. Small orig 11316311

    Cut your jeans into shorts, mine are long boy shorts. I made them come to above my ankles. You can make them any length that you feel goes with your style. Wash them after cutting them so they look raggy and frayed.

  2. Small orig 11316321

    Once yu have washed them flip the jeans over and use the seam ripper to pull out the tread on one side of each pocket. Once you have done this you can get your stud on.

  3. Small orig 11316331

    I only stud the part you can see. I did the front pockets as well but you don't need the seam ripper for those.