Diy Stickers!

it can be ANYTHING you want! ccc;

Posted by PineconePrincess


These little sticker are super fun and quick to make! n.n


You Will Need (4 things)

  • Printer
  • Something to like a Credit Card
  • Clear Packing Tape
  • Pictures

Steps (6 steps, 5 minutes)

  1. 1

    print and cut out your pictures and put on wax paper! mind you, for my printer at least, it only prints black and white at the moment, so all the white or anything with out color will wipe off.

  2. 2

    put packing tape over your pictures and then take something like a
    credit card *im using the back side of a knife* and scratch the paper into the tape till' they are bffs

  3. 3

    then cut each picture out *it don't have to be neat you can make it nice later* and run it under warm water

  4. 4

    now!! comes the best part out of all! after your paper is really wet, gently rub it till the paper separates from the tape

  5. 5

    then BOOM! sTiCkErRr!!! the ink should be bonded with the tape so now you has this! let the tape sit sticky side up till try *it will dry*

  6. 6

    Here is a bunch of others I made! n.n
    now only certain types of printers will work. I have one that prints color, but that one will not work, so just before you just print out like 30 stickers *like I did >.>* do a test run and see if it works on yours!

    Enjoy! c: