Cut Out + Keep

Diy Statement Bag

DIY STATEMENT BAG • Posted by David Q.


You will need

Project Budget


2 h 00


Medium 2014 04 11 084036 bolsohechoamano




  1. Small 2014 04 11 084112 diybag

    You will need a novelty container, a piece of leather, ruler, scissors, a pen, screwdriver, screws, a soldering iron or drill and adhesive velcro dots

  2. Small 2014 04 11 084138 diy bag

    Measure a piece of leather 120 by 6 cms

  3. Small 2014 04 11 084203 lefashionistodiybag

    Now just cut the leather

  4. Small 2014 04 11 084227 fashiondiybag

    Fold in half with long edges together then pin and sew 3 mm from the edge

  5. Small 2014 04 11 084248 fashionmalediy

    Cut the excess of leather

  6. Small 2014 04 11 084307 male diy

    Mark the place where you will attach the leather on each side of the container

  7. Small 2014 04 11 084341 fashoinbagdiy

    Using the soldering iron make a hole in the leather and the container on each side. You could also use a drill instead

  8. Small 2014 04 11 084401 fashiondiy

    Measure and cut a strip of leather 13 by 4 cms

  9. Small 2014 04 11 084418 bagdiy

    To keep the bag closed we`ll attach the strip of leather to the back of the container. Create 2 holes on the container and leather as shown.

  10. Small 2014 04 11 084434 comohacerunamochila

    Use the screws to fasten the leather strip to the back of the container

  11. Small 2014 04 11 084451 comohacerunamaleta

    Stick one velcro dot to the leather and one to the bottom front of the container

  12. Small 2014 04 11 084505 imgp8797

    This is how it should look like once it is done