DIY Shabby Chic Holder

DIY Shabby Chic Holder

Posted by Maya Kuzman


I have had this project sketched in my notebook for such a long time I almost forgot about it. It is an easy, lazy afternoon project which can be done in a wink, and not to mention how adorably cute it is.


You Will Need (1 thing)

  • Fabric

Steps (6 steps, 30 minutes)

  1. 1

    A piece of fabric (measurements depend on size of your hot pad)

    2. An Ikea cork hot pad (they come in sets of three - how lovely!)

    3. Wide lace piece

    4. Ruffled elastic

    5. Felt (as backing)

    6. Filling

    - stapler, needle and thread (optional: a glue gun)

  2. 2

    Step 1:

    Take a plate bigger than your pad, turn it upside down and outline it.

  3. 3

    Step 2:

    Place the lace pocket at the middle of the pad and pin it there as well as at the bottom. Sew the lace along the bottom part. Place the filling on top of the pad.

  4. 4

    Step 3:

    Use a stapler to fix the fabric over the pad. I don't have any so I just used a running stitch to secure it over the pad.

    Cut a round felt piece as the back and glue it.

    I don't use the glue gun often in textile projects, because it is neater to sew than glue, so to fix the felt piece I used the blanket stitch.

  5. 5

    Step 4:

    Remember to add a string or something else at the top for holding. Add (sew) the ruffled elastic around the pad (at the sides), along the upper line of the pocket - and you are done!

  6. 6

    You are done!