Diy Natural Dreamcatcher

natural dreamcatcher

Posted by cai-cai


I love making these because they really connect me with nature. I truly believe in there power and what they give to us. I hope you like it <3


You Will Need (5 things)

  • 1 Nice Strip Of Wood
  • Hemp String
  • Bead(s)
  • Feather(s)
  • Acrylic Paint

Steps (12 steps, 60 minutes)

  1. 1

    The first thing to do is choose a small branch from a tree.

  2. 2

    Then cross the branch in an x form.

  3. 3

    Then cut out a lng piece of the hemp string. You will first make a knot at the x so the branch can stay together.

  4. 4

    After it is tight and secured, you will start looping through the branch. You go under, over, then under the first string. Sorry its a little confusing but its really simple. Dont make your holes too big.

  5. 5

    You are going to want to repeat this step throughout the whole inside.

  6. 6

    while you are working your way through you will like to add some beads in the inside to make it more colorful and vibrant.

  7. 7

    Then i added more.

  8. 8

    When I got to the middle i added a whole row of beads.

  9. 9

    I took a break and viewed the nature of my house.

  10. 10

    I then decided to paint the wood with acrylic to make it more colorful. Instead of using paper I used a fallen leaf that I found on the ground.

  11. 11

    I then painted the hemp string and the wood in random places.

  12. 12

    After painting, let it dry and then add feathers and beads at the bottom.