Diy: Nail Piercing

how to do nail piercing at home

Posted by Riya K.


nail piercing at home


You Will Need (3 things)

  • 1 Nail Polish Or Acrylic Paint
  • Lighter
  • Needle

Steps (7 steps, 2 minutes)

  1. 1

    choose the nail you want to pierce

  2. 2

    and nail paint which matches with nail jewelry

  3. 3

    now heat the tip of the needle so that it can easily pierce your nail

  4. 4

    now let it go though the tip of the nail

  5. 5

    make sure it has no skin contact

  6. 6

    once hole is clear

  7. 7

    its is ready to wear jewelry if you dont have nail jewelry....ear rings works best with it :)