Diy Leather Earrings/Pendant

Make a set of Diy Leather Earrings or a Pendant

Posted by Creative Khadija


Do you like leather accessories? I have seen some interesting ideas at ETSY. & I realize some of those were not even difficult to try, So one day I start working on this easy peasy colorful idea & I have done it..Lets see how they turned out finally


You Will Need (3 things)

  • Scissors
  • Acrylic Paints
  • Leather

Steps (5 steps, 60 minutes)

  1. 1

    First make a card pattern of leaf & cut two leather leaves,
    then you will be gathering acrylic paints & brushes for its designing.

  2. 2

    I draw free hand but you can follow any pattern. first paint it & then wait until gets dry!

  3. 3

    let it dry totally & then use glitter glue for sealing this whole, I use golden extreme glitter glue.

  4. 4

    Then cut it with scissor but before cutting be sure to sew the leaf central part..just make a seam..and then fix earring hook too..

  5. 5

    And have a look how I am wearing this.. later I realize its size is a bit bigger, so I convert it into necklace/pendant.. & they look adorable..