Diy Floral Headband

This gorgeous garland will bring out your inner flower child

Posted by With Lovely,


All you need is some wire (or pipe cleaners) and a few pretty blooms to craft this romantic accessory.


You Will Need (1 thing)

  • Flowers

Steps (4 steps, 15 minutes)

  1. 1

    Start with a few sprigs of flowers—I used camelias, periwinkles, and hardenbergia from my backyard, but anything will work.

    Tip: choose a vine to hide the wire and create a good base.

  2. 2

    Wrap a wire (or two pipe cleaners) around your head so it sits about an inch below your hairline. Fasten into a circle by wrapping the ends together.

  3. 3

    Weave flowers around the base, securing them with 2-inch pieces of wire.

  4. 4

    Place on top of your head, and channel your inner flower child! For longer wear, secure with a few bobby pins.