Cut Out + Keep

DIY Dreamcatcher Necklace

To catch your sleep whilst you're awake. • Posted by dazedandbeautiful ..

I was planning on making a dream catcher for my room but then I decided that wearing one around my neck would do for now! This necklace looks super complex but I can assure you that it is not as hard as it looks!

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Medium 107087 2f2015 01 26 165550 the end dreamcatcher copyright


I was planning on making a dream catcher for my room but then I decided that wearing one around my neck would do for now! This necklace looks super complex but I can assure you that it is not as hard as it looks!


  1. Small 107087 2f2015 01 26 165820 step 1 dreamcatcher copyright

    Start by taking your embroidery thread and secure the end to the plastic ring. Then start to wrap the thread around the ring really tightly, making sure you don’t leave any gaps. When you have wrapped it all simply secure it with another drop of glue.

  2. Small 107087 2f2015 01 26 165822 step 2 dreamcatcher copyright

    Using a different coloured cord, tie it onto the plastic ring and make sure the knot is really secure.

  3. Small 107087 2f2015 01 26 165826 step 3 dreamcatcher copyright

    This is the tricky bit. Take the cord and loop it around the plastic ring, keep this quite loose. When you get the whole way round, repeat this step but weave the loop through the first loop created by the cord. Continue this the whole way around and then when you get right round again, weave the cord through the previous loop above it. Keep doing this until you get to the middle and tighten the cord as you go. Using a needle can make the weaving easier.

  4. Small 107087 2f2015 01 26 165828 step 4 dreamcatcher copyright

    When you have reached the middle, add a large bead to the cord and attach the cord to the rest of the dream catcher to secure it off.

  5. Small 107087 2f2015 01 26 165838 step 6 dreamcatcher copyright

    Cut a new piece of cord the length that you want the necklace. Tie a knot at the top. Then loop one end of the cord through the top of the dream catcher. Pass the knot through the open circle of the cord and pull tightly to secure it. Add a dot of glue to secure it further if you wish.

  6. Small 107087 2f2015 01 26 165842 step 7 dreamcatcher copyright

    This step is optional but if you want to add small decorations to the bottom of your dream catcher cut three lengths of cord and tie a small knot on the bottom, add some bead and super glue the top onto the back of the dream catcher!