Dill Plant Pruning And Drying

Dill Plant - Pruning and Drying

Posted by KMOM14


As I use dill in a lot of my cooking, I decided to buy a dill plant to save money. As I had never dealt with herbs before, I searched the web, but didn't find a lot of information so I ended up asking an expert at Allexperts. com, Leroy J. Wilton, who has grown herbs for over 25 years and below is a link to his response.


You Will Need (5 things)

  • Dill plant
  • Garden Shears or heavy duty scissors or kitchen shears
  • Small Paper Bag (I used a brown paper lunch bag)
  • Clothes Peg(s) or chip clip
  • Glass Container(s)

Steps (4 steps, 10 minutes)

  1. 1

    He advised that regular dill sometimes can go to seed quickly, so cut 1/3 at a time off of the top.

  2. 2

    What you don't use right away, you can dry out for storing by placing in paper bag with holes on sides, then hang in an airy area & shake for a couple of minutes twice weekly.

  3. 3

    I used a clothespin to hold the dill to the top of the bag, but you could also use a chip clip.

  4. 4

    When it is completely dried out shake out the dill out of the bag onto a plate and take out the larger stems, then put the dill in a glass container and store out of direct sunlight.